Business Workshops

how I work

My Core Services

Maximising Performance Workshop

Are you tired of wasting countless hours managing inter-personal issues with team members?  Do you have laborious policies, procedures and rules that slow down your processes and add no value to the Customer?

Does your business choose emails & messages over speaking to people in person or over the phone?  Do your team spend too much time in meetings?

Do you have a high grievance rates? Do you often find the team are slow to produce but quick to point out where or who the bottle-neck is with?

Are you ready to try a different approach?  Would you like to see an increase in velocity and output and a decrease in these wasteful costly practices?

My Maximise Performance Workshops are my signature workshops.  They are grounded in researched theory and my Collaboration Model and are inherently designed to increase workplace trust and psychological safety. If you want to lead your business more effectively and regain motivation, cooperation and effectiveness in your teams, contact me … and let’s talk.

I highly recommend Tabatha Kattau to anyone looking to work with a thought leader in disruption, human development and coaching. She has experienced the many challenges her clients face first hand and leverages off this strength to bring out the best in them.

Suzy Miller

Director, Leadership Within
Genuine, truthful, candid, sincere.

My book is published! Grab your copy of The Gift today!