Burnout is a sign that our usual coping systems are failing.
It goes beyond feeling tired .. it can include symptoms like:
Neglecting your own basic needs like eating well & getting good quality sleep.
Isolating yourself
Becoming cynical & bitter
Feeling an inner emptiness
Working harder & having trouble switching off
Becoming intolerant & unempathetic
Blaming others around you for the stress you’re feeling in your life/work
The first step to recognising you’re suffering with burnout is to become aware of how you’re feeling, how you’re behaving and for how long you’ve been feeling & behaving this way.
The second step is to acknowledge the impact it’s having on your life/work.
The third step is to take action. Reach out today & let’s talk about how you can rewire your mind to upgrade your coping strategies so you can navigate life in more helpful & resourceful ways.
Book now & let’s work together to break the cycle of burnout.