Lately, I’ve been thinking about how we try to balance taking life seriously — setting goals, planning, working hard — with releasing our grip a little. Just letting some things unfold. I know I’ve struggled with this at times, and maybe you have too.

Part of us wants to consider every possible outcome, while another part just wants to let go and trust life to surprise us.

The truth is, so many of the “what ifs” we worry about never actually happen. And while some things definitely call for our attention and focus – does everything?

Beautiful things often come not from planning, but from making room in our mind for them. And that’s where dreaming comes in.

Dreaming is something we don’t talk about enough as adults, yet it’s essential. Imagine giving yourself permission to dream without needing a particular outcome, like we did as kids, lying on the grass and watching the clouds.

Maybe finding balance is about reconnecting with that open, free, dreaming space — letting go of the serious, just long enough to feel light.

As G.K. Chesterton said, “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.” Maybe, we can too.

If you’d like to read the full email on dreaming and its benefits, sign up for my Sunday Thoughts emails — a weekly note to uplift and inspire you every Sunday.

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